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Big data and the excellence revolution: Jelte de Jongh at TEDxAmsterdamED 2013
For excellence we need a motion of trust: Pedro de Bruyckere at TEDxAmsterdamED 2013
TEDxAmsterdamED 2016 | Q&A with Jelmer Evers on ‘Changing education from the ground up’
From Monster to Man: Jahni Harris at TEDxMarionCorrectional
Introduction: Drew Wackerling at TEDxAmsterdamED 2013
Carrie Ann De Jongh Tribute Video
Producing world changers: Troy Evans at TEDxMacatawa
Big but personal data: Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye at TEDxLouvainLaNeuve
Finding America's soul: Mel Rogers at TEDxOrangeCoast
Our beauty is in our differences: Paul Weiss at TEDxOrangeCoast
Thijs Willekes | De 25 leukste tv-kandidaten
Road to excellence: Ana Baraibar at TEDxPlazaSantaBarbara